Jenkins Group is proud to announce the winners of the 11th annual Axiom Business Book Awards. These gold, silver and bronze medal-winning books make up an incredible reading list - an informative and entertaining list that represents a wide range of business topics, created by a diverse collection of authors and publishers.
Below is the official 2018 press release, followed by helpful links and information for medalists and press.
Thanks to all participants for supporting the Axiom Business Book Awards!
2018 Axiom Business Book Award Winners Announced:
Medalists Prepare Us for the Future with Warnings and Advice
((Traverse City, MI, Feb 15, 2018) It's a wild, fast-changing world we live in. Technological innovations and societal changes keep today’s savvy business people in constant need of education and enlightenment. How to keep up? By reading award-winning business books!
Jenkins Group is proud to announce the winners of the eleventh annual Axiom Business Book Awards, honoring the best business books published during the past year. See the complete results listing online here.
These medal-winning books epitomize the Axiom Award motto, "Success through Knowledge," by offering business people the latest information, across a wide spectrum of concepts and viewpoints, and helping them succeed in a complicated and increasingly volatile world.
"Are there Cassandras among us today, warning of ticking disasters, whose predictions fall on deaf ears?" ask Richard A. Clarke and R.P. Eddy, silver medal-winning authors of Warnings: Finding Cassandras to Stop Catastrophes (ECCO), referring to the mythological princess of Troy, Cassandra, cursed with the ability to see impending doom. Ripping topics from world headlines, they describe how the damage of wars, hurricanes, nuclear meltdowns – even the Madoff Ponzi Scheme – could have been avoided if we’d followed advice from the right experts. “Given the potential risks we will be facing in this century, the costs of not facing them in time will be unprecedented,” the authors warn.
On a less daunting note, gold medalist The Power of Little Ideas (Harvard Business Review Press) explains how the turnaround success stories of Apple and LEGO involved neither “radical” nor “disruptive” innovation. “Both began their turnarounds by returning to a core product, surrounding it with a portfolio of complementary innovations, and designing those complements to make their core products more desirable and valuable,” writes author David Robertson. Both companies focused on “fulfilling a single promise” -- for Apple, “we will help you organize your digital life” (iPod, iTunes) and for LEGO, “delivering a compelling story-based play experience” (books, video games, store events). The book’s final example, Walt Disney, was the king of complementary innovations, all based on his unique approach to animated cartoons. He was the first to “breathe life into his characters so the audience would care about and identify with them” and he built an empire around Mickey and friends, bringing that same magical quality to his merchandise, theme parks, and television shows.
Speaking of kids, what do we call this new generation, the first born into the fully digital, post-9/11 world? “Gen Zers are about to make their presence known," write David and Jonah Stillman, in their bronze medal-winning Gen Z @ Work (Harper Business). Describing the newest generation to join the workforce, born between 1995 and 2012 and numbering 72.8 million strong, the authors define the acronym, FOMO: “Gen Z suffers from an intense fear of missing out on anything. The good news is that they will stay on top of all trends and competition. The bad news is that Gen Z will always worry that they aren’t moving ahead fast enough and in the right direction.”
This kind of cultural clarification is what the Axiom Awards strive for, and all 77 of the medalists, chosen from nearly 500 entries, have some insight or advice to offer the inquisitive business person. This year’s medals went to publishers and authors representing 15 U.S. states; the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Australia, and Switzerland -- a blend of established New York publishers, university presses, and independent publishers of all sizes.
"Business success demands that business leaders keep learning and growing," said company founder Jerrold Jenkins. “This year’s Axiom Award-winning books offer many valuable insights that will help us embrace change and continue moving forward."
Learn more about the Axiom Awards at http://www.axiomawards.com.
The 2016 Axiom Medalists at the ceremony in Chicago.
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"The Axiom Business Book Awards are intended to bring increased recognition to exemplary business books and their creators, with the understanding that business people are a very well-read and informed segment of the population, eager to learn about great new books that will inspire and inform them, and help them improve their careers and businesses."
"The Axiom Awards are presented by Jenkins Group, a Michigan-based book publishing and marketing services company that has operated the popular Independent Publisher Book Awards contest since 1996. Founder Jerrold R. Jenkins is the author of three books on the business of publishing: Inside the Bestsellers, Publish To Win, and The Independent Publisher: How to Build and Promote Your Best-Selling Book."